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Dr. Dale Devitt
Center for Urban Water Conservation
4505 Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-4004
Telephone: 702-895-3853

The following is a current listing of publications produced by Dr. Dale Devitt.
For additional information concerning any of the ensuing articles,
please feel free to contact Dr. Dale Devitt at the
above address.


Nitrate-nitrogen movement through soil as affected by soil profile characteristics. Devitt, D., J. Letey, L.J. Lund and J.W. Blair. 1976. J. Environ. Qual. Vol. 5 No. 3 283-288 pp.
Nitrate-nitrogen in effluent from agricultural tile drains in California. Letey, J., J.W. Blair, D. Devitt, L.S. Lund and P. Nash. 1977. Hilgardia Vol. 45, No. 9 289-319 pp.
Use of saline irrigation waters and minimal leaching for crop production. Jury, W.A. , H. Frenkel, H. Fluhler, D.Devitt and L.H. Stolzy. 1978.  Hilgardia. Vol 46, No. 5, 169-192 pp.
Transient changes in the soil-water system from irrigation with saline water: II. Jury, W.A., H. Frenkel, D. Devitt, and L.H. Stolzy. 1978.  Analysis of experimental data. SSSAP, vol 42 No. 4, 585-590 pp.
Reclamation of saline-sodic soils by leaching. Jury, W.A., W.M. Jarrel and D.Devitt. 1979.  SSSAP, Vol. 43, No. 6 1100-1106 pp.
Sodium-potassium ratios in soil solution and plant response under saline conditions. Devitt, D., W.M. Jarrel and K.L. Stevens. 1981.  SSSAP Vol. 45 No. 1 80-86 pp.
Comparison of methods used to estimate evapotranspiration for leaching control. Devitt, D., W. A. Jury, P. Sternberg and L.H. Stolzy. 1983. Irrig. Sci. 4: 59-69.
Wheat response to sodium uptake under zonal saline-sodic conditions. Devitt, D. W.M. Jarrell, W.A. Jury, O.R. Lunt and L.H. Stolzy. 1984.  SSSAP. vol 48 No. 1 86-92 pp.
Response of sorghum and wheat to different K/Na ratios at varying osmotic potentials. Devitt, D. L.H. Stolzy and W. M. Jarrell. 1984. Agron. J. July-August.
Response of sorghum to a water gradient and potassium variable. Devitt D.A. , L.H. Stolzy, W.A. Jury and G. Lopatynski. 1986.  Plant and Soil 93, 67-77 pp.
Citrus nitrogen fertilizer management, groundwater pollution, soil salinity, and nitrogen balance. Embleton, T.W., M. Matsumura, LH. Stolzy, and D.A. Devitt. 1986.  Applic. Agric. Res. Vol. 1 57-64 pp.
Plant response to Na, K and K/Na ratios under saline conditions. Devitt, D.A. and L.H. Stolzy. 1986.  Univ. Calif. Agric. Expt. Station. Special publication 3315.
Morphological response of annual flowers to salinity. Devitt, D.A. and R.L. Morris. 1987.  J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sc. 112(6) : 951-955 pp.
Impact of potassium, sodium and salinity on the protein and free amino acid content of wheat grain. Devitt, D.A., L.H. Stolzy and C.K. Lababauskas. 1987.   Plant and Soil 103, 101-109 pp.
Response of bermudagrass to plant growth regulators under varying nitrogen fertility. Devitt, D.A. and R.L. Morris. 1989.  Jour. of Environ. Hort. 7(1):1-8.
Subsurface drip irrigation of bermudagrass with saline water. Devitt, D.A. and W.W. Miller. 1988.  Appl. Agric. res. Vol. 3 No. 3 133-143 pp.
Influence of salinity, leaching fraction, and soil type on ODR measurements and electrode "poisoning". Devitt, D.A., L.H. Stolzy, W.W. Miller, J.E. Campana and P. Sternberg. 1989.  Soil Science 145 (5):327-335.
Response of bermudagrass to varied leaching fractions, irrigation, salinity and soil types. Devitt, D.A. 1989.  Agronomy J. 81:893-901.
Effects of irrigation frequency, salinity of irrigation water and soil type on growth and response of bermudagrass. Devitt D.A. and R.L. Morris. 1990.   Arid Soil Res. and Rehab.
Response of tall fescue to composted sewage sludge used as a soil amendment. Devitt D.A., R.L. Morris and D.C. Bowman. 1990.  J. Plant Nutrition 13(9) 1115-1139.
Response of periwinkle to composted sewage sludge used as a soil amendment. Devitt D.A., R.L. Morris and D.C. Bowman. 1991.  J. Environmental Hort.
Evapotranspiration, crop coefficients, and leaching fractions of irrigated desert turfgrass systems. Devitt D.A., R.L. Morris and D.C. Bowman. 1992.   Agronomy Journal 84:717-723.
Estimating transpiration for three woody ornamental tree species using stem-flow gauges and lysimetry. Devitt D.A., M. Berkowitz,P.J. Schulte and R.L. Morris. 1993.  Hortscience 28(4):320-322
Response of Cynodon dactylon to prolonged water deficits under saline conditions. Devitt D.A., D.C. Bowman and P.J. Schulte. 1993.  Plant and Soil 148:239-251.
Evapotranspiration and growth response of three woody ornamental species placed under varying irrigation regimes. Devitt D.A., R.L. Morris and D.S. Neuman. 1994.   J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 119(3):452-457
Comparative water use of turfgrasses and ornamental trees in an arid environment. Devitt D.A., D.S. Neuman, D.C. Bowman and R.L. Morris. 1995.   J. Turfgrass Management 1:47-63.
Climatic assessment of the arid southwestern United States for use in predicting evapotranspiration of turfgrass. Devitt D.A., D. Kopec, M.J. Robey, R.L. Morris, P. Brown, V.A. Gibeault and D.C. Bowman.1995.  J. Turfgrass Management 1:65-81.
Water use of landscape plants grown in an arid environment. Devitt D.A., D.S. Neuman, D.C. Bowman and R.L. Morris. 1995.  J. Aboriculture 21(5)239-245
Water use by Tamarix ramosissima and associated phreatophytes in a Mojave desert floodplain. Sala A., D.A. Devitt and S.D. Smith. 1996.  J. Applied Ecology 6:888-898
Turfgrass quality, growth and water-use as a function of salinity and water deficit induced stress. Dean-Knox D.E., D.A. Devitt, L.S. Verchick and R.L. Morris. 1996.  Agronomy J. 88:844-849
Evapotranspiration from a saltcedar-dominated desert floodplain: a scaling approach. Smith S.D. A. Sala, D.A. Devitt and J.R. Cleverly. 1996 . 1996. In: Barrow, J.R., E.D. McArthur, E.D. Sosebee, R.E. Tausch and R.J. Comps. Proceedings: Symposium on shrubland ecosystem in a changing climate. May 1995 Las Cruces New Mexico.
Urbanization and Water Conservation in Las Vegas Valley, Nevada. R.L. Morris, D.A. Devitt, A.M. Crites, G. Borden and L.N. Allen. 1996. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Mgmt. 123:189-196
The effect of applied water on the water use of Tamarix ramosissma during summer in a desert riparian environment. Devitt D.A., A. Sala K.A. Mace and S.D. Smith. 1997.  J. Hydrology 192:233-246.
Leaf carbon isotope ratios in three landscape species growing in an arid environment. Devitt D.A., S.D. Smith and D.S. Neuman. 1997.  J. Arid Environments 36:249-257.
Utilization of remotely sensed data to monitor a turfgrass irrigation study. Fenstermaker-Shaulis L.K., A. Leskys and D.A. Devitt. 1997.  J. Turfgrass Management. 2:65-81
Leaf area production- affects of restricted root growth. Neuman D.S., B.A. Smit, D.A. Devitt and M. Obersteiner.  1997 Plant Cell and Environment (In Press).
Plant water relations of tamarix ramosissima in response to the imposition and alleviation of soil moisture stress. Devitt D.A., J.M. Piorkowski, S.D. Smith, J.R. Cleverly and A. Sala. 1997.  J. Arid Environment. (In Press).
Physiological response of two turfgrass species to varying ratios of soil matric and osmotic potentials. Dean-Knox D.E., D.A. Devitt, L.S. Verchick and R.L. Morris. 1997.  Plant and Soil
Comparative ecophysiology of the exotic tamarix ramosissima and three native Mojave desert phreatophytes in response to summer drought. Cleverly J.R., S.D. Smith, A. Sala and D.A. Devitt. 1997.  Oecologia 111:12-18.
Bowen Ratio Estimates of Evapotranspiration for Tamarix ramosissima Stands on the Virgin River in Southern Nevada. Devitt D.A., A. Sala, S.D. Smith, J. Cleverly, L.K. Shaulis and R. Hammett. 1997.  Water Resources Res.
The Effects of Varying Irrigation Frequency, Irrigation Volume and Nitrogen Levels on Water use of Tall Fescue.   C.Brown, D.A. Devitt and R.L. Morris


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