The Effects of Varying Irrigation Frequency, Irrigation Volume and Nitrogen Levels on Water Use of Tall Fescue

D.A. Devitt
R.L. Morris


    Tall fescue is a commonly grown turfgrass in Southern Nevada, one of the continental U.S. most arid climates.  Recognized for its drought tolerance, tall fescue is nonetheless a significant water user in Southern Nevada.  Cultural management techniques in Southern Nevada emphasize daily watering during the hot summer months.  Since 64% of water used in Southern Nevada is applied outdoors, and water use peaks during the hot summer months, more efficient use of water conservation and help offset peak demand.  The experimental design  tested the hypothesis that twice weekly watering of tall fescue was sufficient and that fescue could survive the arid summer in good shape with watering levels less than ETa and nitrogen levels less than optimum.  A number of parameters were monitored to determine water use and plant response.  These included, available soil moisture, turf canopy temperature, tissue moisture content, yield and tissue nitrogen levels.  Spectral data were also taken periodically throughout the study and evaluated as a means of measuring plant stress.

Article is currently being submitted for publication, 1998
for more information please contact C.Brown or Dr. Dale Devitt

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