The following publications were produced through the Center for Urban Water Conservation under the control and leadership of Dr. Dale Devitt.
Bowen Ratio Estimates of Evapotranspirtation for Tamarix ramosissima Stands on the Virgin River in Southern Nevada
Comparative ecophysiology of the exotic Tamarix ramosissima & three native Mojave desert phreatophytes in response to summer drought
Physiological response of two turfgrass species to varying ratios of soil matric and osmotic potentials
Plant water relations of Tamarix ramosissima in response to the imposition and alleviation of soil moisture stress
Leaf area production - affects of restricted root growth
Utilization of Remotely Sensed Data to Map and Evaluate Turfgrass Stress Associated with Drought
Leaf carbon isotope ratios in three landscape species growing in an arid environment
The effects of applied water on the water use of Tamarix ramosissma during summer in a desert riparian environment
Urbanization and Water Conservation in Las Vegas Valley, Nevada
Evapotranspiration from a saltcedar dominated desert floodplain: a scaling approach
Turfgrass Quality, Growth, and Water Use Influenced by Salinity and Water Stress
Water use by Tamarix ramosissma and associated phreatophytes in a Mojave desert floodplain
Water use of landscape plants grown in an arid environment
Climatic Assessment of the Arid Southwestern United States for Use in Predicting Evapotranspiration of Turfgrass
Comparative Water Use of Turfgrass and Ornamental Trees in an Arid Environment
Evapotranspiration and Growth Response of Three Woody Ornamental Species Placed Under Varying Irrigation Regimes